Tips To Help Your Child Avoid Dog Bites
As many as 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog in the U.S. every year. Unfortunately, many of those people are also children. Many children love dogs and so they approach the animal without a second thought. This can be dangerous because not every dog
5 Common Signs Of Elder Abuse To Be On The Watch For
It's never an easy decision to move an elderly loved one into an assisted living home. However, you're moving your loved one into their new home because you trust the healthcare professionals who work there to provide the proper care your loved one needs. Unfortunately, nursing
Rideshare Vs Taxi: Which One is Safer?
Ride sharing services are becoming increasingly popular in major US cities. Cities in Southern California are no exception to this trend. Some of the key reasons behind the increasing popularity include avoidance of drunken-drinking, rush-hour driving, and the ability of ride sharing technology to dissipate
Testing for Drivers Under the Influence of Marijuana
Discover How Policemen Deal With High Driving As Marijuana Became Legalized In California Voters in the state of California approved the use and cultivation of recreational marijuana by passing Proposition 64 in November of 2016. Since then, policemen have faced challenging roles due to the possibility
Overmedication in Nursing Homes: Signs & Legal Options
When relatives are no longer able to help their elderly loved ones on a regular basis, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) exist for these patients who need continual and professional nursing care. Many of these facilities perform this service well and offer a great alternative for