Hiring Wrongful Death Attorney? 5 Things You Need to Know
After the passing of a loved one in mysterious circumstances, finding the right attorney is not a walk in the park. Filing for wrongful death can only be done if you are sure that you have the right wrongful death lawyer to adjudicate the matter.
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident: When to Get Legal Help
Whether you or a beloved family member has been the victim of a trip and fall incident, it's important to find the right legal help to navigate the situation. Regardless of your degree of involvement, it's helpful to know that there are many options out
How to Find a Good Elder Law Attorney: 3 Tips to Follow
Elderly neglect and abuse is a terrible aspect of society and is an unfortunate circumstance that some people have to go through. Sadly, it's a relatively common occurrence as well, with one out of every 10 elderly Americans experiencing some form of abuse. If you
Signs of Elder Abuse: What to Look For & How to Help
Elder abuse is an unfortunate circumstance that should be taken seriously by everyone, not just the afflicted. There are seven different types of elder abuse according to the National Center on Elder Abuse and each one can be equally traumatizing to the victim and their
The Top 3 Causes of Car Accidents in the United States
When you're in a car wreck, it's easy to point fingers and blame the other driver, the bad weather, or anything else. Truthfully, you could very well be at fault for your car accident -- although you should be sure never to admit that at
3 Facts About California Dog Bite Law That May Come in Handy
For the vast majority of dog owners in California, it can be hard to ever imagine that your furry friend would bite someone. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you think, with up to 4.5 million cases of dog bites in the United States each
3 Unfortunate Types of Elder Abuse That Can Take the Joy Out of a Senior’s Retirement
We all get old. And when we do, many of us will need to rely on the care and support of family, caregivers, or even an institution for memory care. While many elderly dependents are given the proper attention and respect that they deserve, others
California’s Dog Bite and Strict Liability Laws: What You Need to Know
Getting bit by a dog is an unpleasant and sometimes confusing situation. Most people aren't sure what to do when a dog bites them, which can make legal action thereafter more difficult. In most states in America, there are strict liability laws in regards to dog